Good marketing need not take weeks or months. In fact, you can create powerful marketing results in 10 minutes per day. There is no reason every executive and mid-level person in your company couldn’t execute one of these marketing activities daily:

Call one customer per day. Tell them you’re trying to improve and you’d like five fast minutes of their time. Ask them how they use your product, what they think about it, and what they want from it. Enter the details into a company-wide database. Find out a bit about them. Laugh with them. Tell them you appreciate them.

Call one important media member per day. Not to pitch them, but to build a relationship with them. Ask them about their work, their current focuses, and what’s important to their audiences. Try to help them, but do not pitch untilyou have developed a relationship. This will separate you from nearly every other pitch on the planet, and they will bend over backwards to help you. I see this work again and again with my clients (and before that, as a syndicated columnist on the other side of the desk).

Here are four more you can choose from for fast daily marketing results:

  • Aggressively build your company lists of customers and prospects. Review all email and feedback and add them to your list.
  • Make one paragraph of your marketing messaging less technical and more emotional.
  • Write one compelling customer story, and focus on the dramatic ways your company has improved their life or work.
  • Simplify something in your outbound marketing — anything — process and content is fair game.
  • Good marketing is about doing the right things repeatedly and consistently. This email has a list of seven right things. Which ones will you implement for 10 minutes per day?

I consult to and coach executives at Fortune 500 companies, startups and points between to increase revenues through powerful strategy and marketing. See my Web site for details about my work.

The Evangelist Marketing Minute is a weekly thinking launch point that is always short enough to read in about 60 seconds. It covers marketing, branding, positioning, language, and public relations. Your email address is never shared, with anybody, for any reason.

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