Most consumer technology marketing and PR is focused on convincing consumers to buy your products.

That’s the wrong way.

Convincing consumers involves pushing your products at them, hoping they’ll accept them by opening their wallets. Consumers are naturally defensive about this style of marketing and communications.

Rather, your marketing and PR should focus on exciting consumers.

Motivating them.

Energizing them.

Intriguing them.

This style of marketing pulls consumers towards your products.

If you are trying to convince consumers to buy your products, they have a yes/no decision — to buy or not to buy. That’s it.

If you are successfully exciting consumers, they will:

  1. Buy your product.
  2. Look into your additional offerings.
  3. Talk about your product.
  4. Alert others about your product, spreading incredibly valuable word-of-mouth.
  5. Be more committed to your product and company. Excited consumers are loyal consumers.
  6. Be more forgiving about your mistakes.

There’s no comparison, really.

Excite consumers. Don’t try to convince them.

Pull them in — attract them, like gravity — instead pushing your products towards them.