Instead of a lesson today, I would like to thank you. For reading. For writing back. For your kind words throughout the year. And for your business.

In that spirit, last week, I offered you access to the full year of my new 2012 teleconference series at a greatly reduced price. I thought about that during the week, and decided I want to do better
So I’d like to offer you the complete year of teleconferences — that’s ten hours, live with me, or recorded in MP3 format if you wish — at no cost at all.

Please accept it as my holiday gift to you.
Since I can’t put this offer on my Web site, you’ll need to send me an email to sign up — just reply to this email, and tell me you want to participate. Include your contact information so I can manually add you to the list.

These weekly thinking launch points are called “Minutes” because they will always be short enough to read in about 60 seconds.

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