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20 Videos in 20 Days: #18 — Be the Example
Set the example for how to communicate about your product or service.
20 Videos in 20 Days: #17 — Do Good Work, Not Perfect Work
Take the pressure off of yourself. Forget about being perfect. Just be good!
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #16 — Resilience
Bounce back from failures and bad experiences quickly. The faster you do, the more successfully you will market.
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #15 — Activity
Action begets action. Overanalysis begets paralysis...which begets procrastination.
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #14 — Be Shameless
Colorful, memorable, confident language is a key to capturing (and keeping!) your market's attention.
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #13 — No Doubt!
The most successful marketers don't hesitate, don't doubt, and present their value relentlessly.
20 Videos in 20 Days: #12 — Unwavering Belief in Your Value
Why do your clients speak more positively about your company than you do?
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #11 — Think Big!
Thinking big means acting confidently. It means executing instead of perfecting. It means taking action! * I will post these next 10 videos on Mindset daily, consecutively, rather than weekly as originally planned. Disregard the "weekly" part in the video.
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #10 — Be Consistent!
Here is the tenth video of my series, and the final one on language. Today's topic: be consistent in your messaging!
20 Marketing Videos in 20 Days: #9 — The 80/20 Rule of Marketing Language
The first 80 percent of your marketing language should be focused on your value, emotion and outcomes. The last 20 percent can describe how you do it.