You are in the life-improvement business. You are not in the technology business. You do not make speakers or headphones, you bring the joy of music into people’s hearts. You are not in the computer, Internet, television, credit card, or auto business. Instead, you are in the business of making people’s lives easier, more comfortable, and more enjoyable. The same holds true if you’re in the business-to-business space: your work is to improve the condition of your corporate clients, to help them succeed.
Why don’t you communicate this in your marketing?
Why don’t you tell the world how you improve your customers’ lives, or businesses? Because you’re busy telling them about your how product or service works. Most people don’t care. They want to know how you’ll improve them.
How do you improve your customers’ lives or companies? The first 80 percent of your marketing should answer this question.
My new book, Evangelist Marketing, is about powerfully marketing consumer electronics, and is 288 pages on topics like this one.
More than 50 people listened to last week’s monthly teleconference about how to extricate your product or service from being perceived as a commodity. You can listen to the entire 45-minute session here. If you’d like to receive dial-in instructions for future teleconferences (they are held the second Wednesday of each month at noon eastern), just send me an email saying so. This is a $350 product on my Web site, but free for you readers.
The Evangelist Marketing Minute is a weekly thinking launch point that is always short enough to read in about 60 seconds. It covers technology marketing, branding, positioning, language, and public relations. Your email address is never shared, with anybody, for any reason.
I help consumer electronics companies dramatically increase sales through powerful marketing. My clients include TiVo, Logitech, Sony and Pandigital. See my Web site for details about my work.