Never end a phone call unless you know what the next step is.

I call these pivots to the sale, or, if you’re not at that point yet, pivots to the next commitment.

Always pivot to the sale or next commitment, on every call.

Because unless you clarify specifically what’s next, how will you know what to do?

Too many salespeople end a call and have no idea what the next step is.

If you pivot every time, you’ll never be in this position again.

Pivots to the Sale:

When would you like to start?

When can I expect the purchase order?

How many do you need?

Should we write it up?

I have five in stock, I’ll get them packed up for you. (These don’t have to be questions.)

Pivot to the Next Commitment

When would you like to talk next?

I can be there on Tuesday or Thursday to sit down with you, what’s better for you?

If I don’t hear from you by next Wednesday, I’ll make as note to give you a call — does that sound good?

Should I send the quote?

Let’s look at our calendars since we’re talking. (Again, statements work well.)

Then, Be Silent

Ask your question, or make your pivot, and then be silent.

Do not speak again until the customer responds.

They are not quiet because they are uncomfortable, they are quiet because the are thinking.

Count to 100 in your head if you need to. Sing a song in your head. (Not out loud, because that would be strange.)

Do what you need to do to stay quiet.

Too much business is lost to nervous chatter.

In my client projects, we practice making these statements. In fact, salespeople create their own lists of pivots that work for them. Then we practice silence. It’s not easy.

But, you will quickly find, it’s worth it!