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The Evangelist Marketing Minute is a weekly thinking launch point that is always short enough to read in about 60 seconds. It covers marketing, branding, positioning, language, and public relations. Your email address is never shared, with anybody, for any reason.
Upwards of 90 percent of all products and services are perceived by customers as commodities. When you’re seen as a commodity, all you have to compete with is price. This is why mainstream products such as personal computers, televisions and digital cameras are priced so low that they are virtually without profit for their manufacturers.
You stop being a commodity when your market stops perceiving you that way. This means your ticket out of commodity status is not your product, but your marketing: Your positioning. Your branding. Your language. Your platforms. Even the name of your product will determine whether you can elevate it out of commodity status.
Also, how you think will determine whether you market as a commodity or as a special product or service. Amazingly, some of the best known brands on the planet — and I’ve worked with a number of these companies — think of themselves as commodity makers. With this mindset, it is cosmically impossible for them to market in a way that would shift how customers think of them.
To market your product or service as special, instead of as a commodity, you must shift your mindset: You do not make products or deliver services. That’s not your business. Rather, you’re in the life- improvement business. You make lives, or companies, better. Think like this, and you’ll start to market like this.
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