
Just like your products and services, the best marketing helps people. It doesn’t pitch, propose, push, prod or promise. Rather, it demonstrates your outstanding value to your customers and prospects. It offers ideas, tools, techniques, approaches, and advice for improvement.

If you sell products, help your market get the most out of them.

If you sell services, teach people how to improve in your area of expertise.

Think about your market: as a group, where are they falling short? What are they doing incorrectly that can be bettered? Right now, make a list of a half-dozen such areas. Under each, detail two or three specific ways they’re falling short. Now write a bullet point or two about how you’d go about fixing the issue. Do this in three minutes or less.

You’ve just outlined 12 to 18 newsletter articles, to be sent one at a time. Length of each piece: 200-300 words. Help people as much as you can in your marketing. Make them say “If he or she can help me this much for free, imagine what they could do for me if we worked together!”

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.