NBC News recently redesigned its website, going from its long-time layout to a drastically new, modern, Microsoft Windows tile-like design. (Ironic, since the NBC News web site recently parted ways with Microsoft and put an end to its MSNBC brand. Ironic also because the Microsoft’s Windows redesign was met with great resistance.)
It has, rightfully, not been received kindly. Take a look at some of these comments.
This has the look and feel of product managers and techies sitting in a conference room and deciding that this was the right thing to do.
I am nearly certain they did not ask their long-time users and fans (and I was a frequent visitor to the site before the redesign) for their take on the new look. They did not seek outside feedback, because if they did, any long-time reader of NBC News and MSNBC before that would have told them that this new design doesn’t work. Rather, they guessed that this new look would resonate.
They were wrong, and in a few months, after the Olympics traffic fades away, they will likely see a drop in visitors and page views. Personally, I haven’t been back much since they went to this redesign.
Lesson for us: You never have to guess at your product development or your marketing. Just ask your customers for their thoughts and feelings, insights and feedback, and they will give it to you. People are honored when you ask. Everybody loves talking about what they think. And you pour cement on your relationship with valuable customers. “Wow, they really care what I think!”
All you have to do is ask.
Too bad NBC News likely didn’t.