Announcing The Proactive Selling Accountability Platform

I’ve been working on something for you that I’m very excited about and I hope you will be too.

This is something I’ve been thinking about and laying out on paper for a long time.

It’s called the Proactive Selling Accountability Platform, or PSAP for short. Its purpose? To give you a quick hit of accountability and support for making your proactive calls to customers and prospects.

Why? Because proactive phone calls are the fastest path we have to significant sales growth.

I am frequently asked if I run any support or accountability groups for salespeople. These tools are for you.

To start, the PSAP will revolve around two main components: a quick form to fill out at the end of your work week, and a private Facebook group to discuss progress, success, results, and questions

The form will look like this:

The idea is to give you a place to record how many proactive calls you made in a given week; how many required a voicemail + text message (as detailed in my newest book, Pick Up The Phone & Sell); and how many of your customers and prospects returned your call or text. There’s also space to detail your favorite win of the week, which will create a catalog of successes for you.

Every time you submit your form, you will receive a confirmation email with your details.

I will also publish overall results and, perhaps, scorecard-style standings for a fun bit of anonymous-ish competition.

Anonymous-ish means your identifiers will be your first name and company type only. The idea is for YOU to know where you stand within the group, but nobody else. Your email address is your unique identifier for (1) sending you a copy of your submissions, and (2) clear record keeping only. Email addresses will not appear on the scorecards, and I will never share your emails with anyone, for any reason. Never have, and never will.

The second component of the PSAP will be the existing Pick Up The Phone & Sell Facebook Group, which will feature our statistics, your success stories, your experiences, your questions, and my personal involvement. There are currently 835 members.

My goal with all this — as it is with everything I try to put out for you, from speeches to books to videos to these weekly articles — is to make it as simple as possible. It has to be really fast, and, hopefully, you will find it really helpful.

It’s also really free. That’s right, there is no cost for using this platform.

It’s yours to take advantage of, and, I hope, quickly grow your sales.

The form will be ready by this Friday for a soft launch and I’ll share the link and additional information with you by then. For now, use paper or. computer note to keep track of your proactive calls, voicemails + text messages sent, and # of return communications received on these for this week. Just add a tick mark every time one of these three things happen, and enter the totals into the form at the end of the week.

The more that people hear from you when nothing is wrong, the more they buy from you.

Now there’s a system for making that so!