If you’ve been avoiding doing something, like making calls, or writing, or networking, or cleaning your office, consider this:

Make yourself do it just once per day. Or for a tiny amount of time.

If you’re avoiding cold calls, do one per day. It’ll take 10 minutes or 30 seconds. That’s not scary.

If you’re avoiding writing (say, on your blog), do it for 30 minutes per day. A half hour is nothing. It’s not scary.

If you’re overwhelmed by cleaning an area of your home, do it for 15 minutes, daily, until it’s clean. Fifteen minutes goes by so fast it can’t possibly feel scary.

We avoid things because we fear them.

Exploring the fear and dealing with it is one way to attack this. But that work is in your head, which is extremely difficult work, and it doesn’t involve any real-world action.

Another approach is to parse the activity up into such tiny chunks that it longer induces fear.

Of course, eventually, with progress and inertia, the fear will subside. You will have dealt with it thru action.

I like that.