From page 56 of my new book, Evangelist Marketing:

Your language is the single most important component of marketing to consumers. It is the rate-determining step to the sales success of your devices. The language you use to describe your products is infinitely more important than your text-ad position on Google and your click-thru rates. It trounces page-views and Twitter engagements. But in many companies, these areas get more executive attention than the development of powerful and effective language.

Language is the key to everything. Where does it come from? How do you know what will work? That’s easy: it’s the same language your consumers use to describe your products. In fact, in addition to being the most important step in your marketing system, developing the right language is also the easiest. Simply understand the language of your customers and repeat it back to them. The best language is not going to come from your engineers or your marketing department. It is going to come from your customers.

Evangelist Marketing Launches January 3.

It’s available for preorder on here.

The Facebook page for Evangelist Marketing is here.

The Evangelist Marketing book Web site is here.

The Evangelist Marketing INFOGRAPHIC is here.