In my new book, Pick Up The Phone & Sell, I argue that you should make proactive calls the tip of your selling spear. That is, lead with the phone. Make it the first activity in your communications process, not the one you lead up to with other (electronic) communications. Please see the picture of the partial table of contents below. On the right side is the list of nine types of people who you already know — that’s mostly who to call. Look at Chapter 23: you know hundreds of people who can buy from you — call them! The book tells you how, when, and helps you with what to say.
This is the last weekday of the launch week. These early days are the most important time in a book’s life, when the publisher, distributors, and retailers assess its success and determine their support going forward. I’m told it has been an incredibly successful launch, with thousands of copies sold so far this week. I am incredibly grateful for your support and interest, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about the book.
Read the early reviews, and buy your copy on Amazon here.