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The Evangelist Marketing Minute is a weekly thinking launch point that is always short enough to read in about 60 seconds. It covers marketing, branding, positioning, language, and public relations. Your email address is never shared, with anybody, for any reason.

This Week’s Launching Point:

It’s my experience that the best marketing is the simplest, and since marketers tend to complicate things, here are five areas to simplify now to improve your results:

The name of your product or service. Make it easy to remember and evangelize. No model numbers in the main name. Model numbers are for your benefit, not customers’.

Remove all process details and technical specifications from your product or service description. The first 80 percent of your marketing message should deal with how people are better off after they’ve experienced your value.

Your platforms should center around the direct communication between you and your customers. Social media is merely one platform, but if you’ve built your marketing strategy around social media, you won’t see a significant revenue increase as a result. See my recent Mashable column on this for more.

Facilitate communications between customers and prospective customers. Nothing you or I can say about you is nearly as powerful as what your thrilled customers say about you. Your job is to make sure your market hears from your customers.

Your public relations effort must focus on executive relationships with the key media. Nearly everything else in PR is aimless activity and noise. So, eliminate it. Press releases are fine for financial reporting, but useless for generating earned media. So, seriously consider eliminating them.

Action Question: What will you simplify today, in 30 minutes or less? (You’re welcome to reply and let me know directly.)

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