Last week, I did workshops and webinars with three different clients. Here are their results:
A $225M distributor added $3.3M in sales, an additional $5.4M in new business quoted, and another $8.6M in new opportunities opened…in just one month of implementing the Selling Boldly habits, and with only two-thirds of the staff launched into doing this work. During this time, this company implemented 2,404 total proactive actions which we track and recognize. There were 549 did you know questions, 440 reverse did you knows, 528 quote follow-ups, 260 proactive calls, and hundreds of other actions. We know this because track it, keep scorecards, and recognize success — all of which is shared with everybody doing the work.
A $180M manufacturer added approximately $30M in combined closed sales and new opportunities across five months of doing this work. This company’s products are custom-engineered, and the sales cycles are long, so while some of the new opportunities won’t close, many will. This company completed 1,692 total actions, including hundreds of did you know questions and proactive calls.
A $42M engineering firm completed 2,762 proactive communications in just eight weeks of running my Selling Boldly program, which works out to a whopping 345 actions per week (which were not being done previously). Among these, they placed 498 proactive phone calls to customers and prospects, 1,255 did you know questions, and 142 proposal and quote follow-ups. Oh, these actions have opened up $104 million in new project opportunities. If they close just 10% of this, the company will grow by 25%.
(And these are “merely” the numbers. It’s the mindset change and moves into positivity, optimism, and confidence that makes them possible.)
I am not sharing this with you to brag. I am sharing this with you because we know that communicating with customers more leads to more opportunities and more sales.
We know this. It is fact.
The question is, will you make time to communicate with your customers and prospects proactively, regularly and systematically?
Because the system is the key. Once is not enough. One hundred times is not enough. We need systematic action, implemented consistently, by everyone who faces customers, over extended periods of time.
You can do this without me. I don’t hold anything back. I share openly what my clients above are doing.
And if you’d like to do what they’re doing with me, I’m happy to help.
To add 10-20% sales growth annually like the clients above, call me at 847-459-6322.
More details, including my new coaching program for smaller firms and individuals in sales are at