You think about your products and services constantly. You review your offerings, tweak small details, and respond to customer problems and concerns. You answer questions, train staff, and put out fires. Your day — and maybe even your life — revolve around the minutia of your products and services.

But the same cannot be said about your market.

Even if a customer interacts with your firm regularly, chances are he is only aware of a tiny fraction of all that you have to offer.

Most customers are aware of approximately 20 to 30 percent of all that they can buy from you.


Because you don’t tell them enough.

We tend to assume people know, because we know.

But they don’t.

So we must tell them.

Take every opportunity — personal and electronic — to educate your market on the various ways they can spend money with you.

Because currently, they don’t know, and it’s our job to change that.