
A little bit longer than usual today. Which one of these will you spend 15 minutes applying today? Hit “reply” and let me know. The communicated plan has a much greater chance of getting done!

 1. Always, focus on your value. It’s far more compelling. Don’t tell me about your technical specifications of process. Tell me about how I’ll be improved after I buy from you.

2. Simpler is always better. Simplify your product, service, marketing effort and messaging. Then simplify it again.

3. Even in your marketing, help people. That’s all we’re doing here: with our products, services, and even with our marketing, we are simply helping people. Provide ideas, tools, techniques, tips, and help.

4. As such, you have earned the right to be bold and confident. When we are bold, we take action, we communicate our value, and we make more money.

5. Let your customers tell your story. Nothing we can say about ourselves is nearly as effective as what our paying customers say. In testimonials, case studies, referrals, introductions, customer events, speeches, webinars, and everything else (everything!) let your prospects’ peers explain how wonderful you are.

6. Your existing customers are aware of very little of all that they can buy from you. They know what they currently purchase, but have little awareness of everything else. They cannot buy what they do not know about. Let them know!

7. Put in the personal effort. In an age when the Internet makes it easier than ever to talk to millions of people, the personal communication is rarer than ever. Call. Write. Meet.

8. A growing list is a major key to a growing business. Your list becomes your own social media. Why should we go to Facebook and Twitter, where our buyers a drop of water in a tsunami? Build lists of your customers and prospects, and then everyone you talk to can buy from you.

9. Short bursts of marketing are enough to grow your revenue dramatically. Make one communication action per day, in 15 minutes or less, and you’ll enjoy significant new revenue.

10. Leverage physics. Start communicating and don’t stop. It’s incredibly difficult to get a stopped object moving. Conversely, marketing activity in motion is easy to maintain.

Growth Masters Discount

The $1,000 (20%) discount on my Growth Masters program expires on August 15. This is the lowest price this program will ever be.

It’s an annual curriculum on revenue growth, featuring three full-day workshops, four webinars, and monthly tools, tips and templates. You’re investing in a structured peer-learning program for growing your organization,  securing your family’s financial future and cementing your legacy.

We kick off in October.

The program details are here.

Here’s the FAQ. 

Here are testimonials from my recent private workshops.

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.