A proactive sales phone call is defined as calling a customer or prospect when nothing is wrong. Because nearly every other call your customers get revolves around a problem for them to fix, or an urgency for them to react to. The purpose of these proactive calls is to briefly catch up about life and family, and also to ask what they’re working on, or have coming up, that you can help with.

Did you know that three calls per day equal about 800 calls annually?

And while I can give you 800 benefits of making these calls, let’s start with the first eight:

  1. You will instantly stand out from the crowd for your customers, since the crowd is not doing this.
  2. Proactive calls show that you care about your customers (much more than the competition), and that’s really all that customers want.
  3. These calls feed your machine:
    1. They stuff the pipeline full.
    2. They move prospects from left to right.
    3. They generate quotes and proposals.
    4. They close business.
  4. Even if your customers don’t buy when you call, guess who they’ll go to when they need something? You, who called and cared? Or the competition, which is almost always silent? Of course, they’ll go to you.
  5. As such, and ironically, proactive outbound calls generate tremendous incoming inquiries and business.
  6. Further, these phone calls fill your calendar with scheduled sales conversions, since scheduling a call at slightly later date is one of the most frequent outcomes of your proactive calls.
  7. These calls will create confidence, positivity and energy for you, since all of the outcomes they generate are positive.
  8. One of the best parts? They’re fast. This doesn’t require hours, or even an hour. To make three calls a day, on most days, you’ll need five minutes or so. Because most times, you will be leaving a voice mail. And when you leave a good one, following my scripts, you should expect a return communication, by voice or by text message, from around two-thirds of the people who you call.

Are there five people in your sales group? If each of them made 3 calls a day, you’d have 4,000 proactive calls in a year and, for the sake of this example, if every one of them resulted in a voicemail (of course they would not), you would have 2,667 return incoming communications with customers and prospects.

Do you have 30 customer facing people? At 3 calls day, you have 24,000 outbound calls and 16,000 return communciations.

And on and on we go.

Three calls a day will bring you skyrocketing sales. Many of my clients double, or even triple, their personal sales with this approach.

Three calls a day will bring you confidence and optimism.

Three calls a day will help your customers a great deal.

Isn’t all that worth three calls, and a few minutes, daily?