What does the consumer electronics industry have to be grateful for this Thanksgiving? An endless array of blessings:

  • That people have such a natural interest in technology.
  • That the media covers technology like it covers sports: in-depth, and daily. The tech beat is as busy and as followed by consumers as the local team’s beat.
  • That the media covers technology despite the terrible press releases your companies use to communicate about your products.
  • That your devices can sell well despite the fact that most of them — nine in ten — are perceived as commodities by consumers.
  • That people find a way to talk about your products despite the impossible-to-remember model names you assign them. You make people work unnecessarily hard to generate word-of-mouth for you. And they do.
  • That you don’t have to look very hard to find priceless consumer insights about their thoughts on and usage of your products. And that despite the fact that you don’t incorporate these consumer insights into your marketing language, consumers buy your products anyway.
  • This Thanksgiving, you should be incredibly thankful that you are successfully selling consumer electronics in spite of your marketing.

Now imagine if your marketing, language, public relations and press releases were actually excellent…Imagine if your products weren’t perceived as commodities…Imagine how successful you could be then.

Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours!