I’ve done four speeches in the last three weeks — at an association event, two corporate events, and my own Growth Workshop — and at each one this question has come from an audience member: How do you define marketing?
My answer: Aggressively communicating how you can help people who can buy from you. In other words, ensuring that more prospective customers know about your offerings today than yesterday.
This includes telling existing customers about all of the different ways they can work with you (and pay you!), because most of them don’t know about all that you offer.
Note the key action word above: communicating. Without it, there is no marketing, and there is likely no revenue growth. Communication entails action. Execution. Dissemination of your value.
It’s a prerequisite to good marketing, and to growth. Are you communicating your value?
This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.