
I’m on a Disney cruise ship on our balcony, somewhere in the Caribbean, staring out at the horizon ahead. It’s infinite and endless where the ocean meets the sky, and it occurs to me that I often take it for granted. It’s just there.

It’s the same in business, with our customers. What industries do you work in? How hard do you try to move beyond your “sweet spot” customer. What kinds of customers can you sell to? Can you expand your horizons there? What would it take for you to go into a category of customers you are not currently selling it?

Also, flip it: What would it take for you to expand your customers’ horizons? What else can they buy from you? What would it take for you to sell additional products or services to your good customers?

The horizon, like our revenue opportunities, is endless. Awareness is the key. Take a real look at your customer horizon. Understand how huge and impressive it really is. Then, expand into it.

The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy. My average client grows their top line by 15% to 20% in their first year with me. If you’d like to discuss applying this kind value to your organization, just reply to this e-mail or call me at 847-459-6322.

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.