A friend of mine once said that people who follow up rule the world. 

 This is very true. 

 When we moved into our current home, I needed some insulation work done. Three companies came out and gave me a quote. One of the guys followed up. Guess who got the business? 

 The guy who followed up. 

 Guess which one was the most expensive? 

 The guy who followed up.

 The best thing about following up?

The competition isn’t doing it.

It sets you apart.

It shows customers you care.

It demonstrates interest.

 When my clients implement my quote and proposal follow-up process, they immediately start to close 20% of their outstanding quotes. Twenty percent!

 The customer asked for the quote.

 You did the work to put it together, and sent it as promised.

 You both deserve that you follow up!

 Show your customers you care.

 Follow up.

 And rule the world.

To discuss implementing systematic follow-up programs on quotes and customer inquiries, call me directly at 847-459-6322 or simply reply to this message.