Frequently, the most successful sales people at my clients’ companies are the most enthusiastic ones. Enthusiasm sells, because it’s contagious. People are drawn to enthusiasm, because, generally, they wish to infuse it into their own lives and work.

 Enthusiasm also implies belief in your products or abilities, and that belief is transferable.

A big part of my success in my revenue growth projects, as well as my speeches and workshops, is making people believe that they can implement what I teach, and it will quickly grow their sales. That’s because I’m convinced every company has 10-20% of low-hanging, easy-to-capture revenue growth. I’m passionate and highly enthusiastic about this, and it comes across in all of my work. This belief is transferred to my clients. Enthusiasm is the vehicle of transference.

 Who would you rather buy from, an enthusiastic salesperson, or an apathetic one?

 People pay for enthusiasm. They are drawn to it.

 Use it to your advantage.

 If you’d like to discuss infusing your company with enthusiasm and implement a simple system of revenue growth, call me directly at 847-459-6322 or just reply to this email. 


 Come to My Free Half Day Revenue Growth Summit

 What are you doing September 7? I’m hosting a free half-day workshop on sales growth. We’ll talk about how to think and behave for fast, simple revenue growth. There will be live case studies, role plays, language practice and small group work. We’ll have a light breakfast at 8:30AM and work from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. I’ve built in plenty of time for networking with your peers. The last time I did this, it was a standing-room-only crowd. We have 20 people signed up already for this session, and seating is limited so you must register to attend. Did I mention this is free?! 

 Click here to register and review the full agenda.