Look at your customers by the amount of revenue they do with you.
The 15-20% of companies that do the most revenue with you probably make up 70-80% of your total sales.
Now look at the remaining companies — the 80-85% of your customers who are not the biggest revenue generators.
How many of them can graduate into your “largest customers” category?
Identify them. List them. Write down the name of the human being that buys from you next to each company. If Excel is your preference do it there.
These people are your HPSCs: your High-Potential Small Customers.
They are your lowest-hanging fruit for new revenue.
Communicate with them. Demonstrate your value. Show them testimonials of your customers who are their peers. Target them. Help them. Show them what your most successful customers buy from you.
Pay them special attention, for they hold the key to quickly and easily growing your business.
I go through a much more detailed version of this process with clients, where we break their customer list into quadrants, include prospects, identify these HPSCs together, and then plan detailed value communications to them. That said, go through the short version laid out here, and you will be ahead of 95% of your competition!
The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy. My average client grows their top line by 15% to 20% in their first year with me. If you’d like to discuss applying this kind value to your organization, just reply to this e-mail or call me at 847-459-6322.
This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.