If your list isn’t growing, your company probably isn’t growing either.
Here’s who to add to your list:
- Everybody you are currently working with. All customers.
- Everybody you have worked with previously. Past customers.
- Everybody you are currently discussing business with. All prospects.
- Past prospects — all the people your organization has discussed business with in the past.
- Friends, colleagues, neighbors and family who could buy from your organization — or know somebody who has. (This is, basically, everyone you know.)
- Organically, via your Web sites and Internet properties.
- Target prospects, as collated by professional list builders — by job title, vertical market, revenue, etc.
Collect this information from all people who have contact with customers and prospects in your company. This means sales people, customer service people, executives, even admins. This must be a company-wide pursuit. The more people your firm employs, the more aggressively your list must grow.
Have your colleagues go back through their email to collect this information.
How long does this take? You probably already know what I’m going to say: 15 minutes per day, per person, several times per week. That’s it. What’s stopping you?
This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.