
I was doing a webinar on revenue growth for a client’s audience recently and afterwards my client shared the generally glowing feedback with me. Every attendee gave the session a positive review except one, who commented, “It CAN’T be as easy as Alex says.”

Of course, he said this without trying my approaches. My clients will line up to argue with him. If you spend 15 minutes per day — and even YOU have 15 minutes — on the following, your revenue will grow:

  1. Contact a customer and ask if they know about a one or two specific products or services you provide which they don’t currently buy.
  2. Gather powerful qualitative insights from a customer about how they think, feel and talk about you, and immediately implement the emotional language you uncover into your marketing.
  3. Increase your prices by 10 percent. If there is a service component to your business (even if you’re selling a commodity), my research for clients shows that customers will not leave over a 10 to 15 percent price increase. Your relationships is worth more than that to them.

Fifteen minutes per day is easy, non-threatening and difficult to avoid. Best of all, 15 minutes can create a lot of new revenue.

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.