
This morning I’m delivering a keynote to more than 1,000 people for the AmericanHort association — the largest horticultural association in the US. It’s titled Kill The Commodity, and the organizer selected the title.

Most companies in competitive spaces are perceived as commodities — a printer is a printer, right? Doors are doors, construction is construction, and distributors are distributors. The problem is that when the market views you as a commodity, all you have to compete on is price, and life is very difficult. That’s why people in commodity businesses often tell me their customers “work them” for lower prices.

How do you unshackle the chains of commodity status? Marketing. Simple, fast, no-cost marketing. Quote your happy customers about how wonderful it is to work with you. Tell their stories in case studies. Be bold. Communicate your value to your list of customers and prospects. You are not a commodity. You help your customers improve their lives, companies, homes, families, and anything else your product or service touches. You must believe this, and communicate it.

Only then will you kill the commodity and enjoy the benefits of being seen as singular. After all, your relationships are singular, aren’t they?

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.