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How to Turn 15 Seconds into Millions of New Revenue
Something my clients always experience when doing a sales growth project with me: systematic proactive communications lead to success very quickly. For example, we know statistically that 20% of did you know questions close, and turn into new business. A did you know...
Don’t let one bad sales call…
Don't let one bad sales call impact your other calls. Brush it off, learn from it, pick up the phone, smile, and go again.
How many times do you follow up on a prospect?
How many times do you follow up on a prospect before you stop? 1-2 times 3-5 times 6-10 times Until they say yes or no?
Is your sales team afraid of you?
Sales leaders, if your sales team is scared of you, you're doing it wrong. You should be the person they feel safe going to, not the one they fear.
Make The Cold Calls
Every time you make a cold call this week, remind yourself of this one simple truth: there are people out there who need what you sell and who want to speak to you today. Yes some might not answer. Yes some might not want to talk. Yes some might hang up on you. But...
Proactive Calls Make You Singular
When is the last time you got a proactive call from a supplier, when nothing was wrong? Most suppliers tend to only call when something is wrong, or when they are pitching. Most people can remember the last time they got a proactive call when nothing was wrong —...
Do you make calls or excuses?
Some salespeople make calls. Some salespeople make excuses. Which one are you?
Measure the right thing
To all sales managers out there, if you focus on how many calls they've made, they'll just try and hit a call number. If you focus on how many good conversations they've had, they'll focus on having more good conversations. Measure the right metrics.
Quality or Quantity
Is it about the quality or the quantity when making cold calls?
Make the call
One of the hardest things to do in the morning is to pick up the phone and make your first cold call. Here is the best tip I can give you to overcome that problem... Pick up the phone and make your first cold call. It's all downhill after that.