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The Difference Between Selling & Marketing — Alex Goldfayn
Detailed at length in Alex's latest book: Alex Goldfayn discusses the difference between selling and marketing.
Your Highest Potential Customers
Here is a powerful exercise I take my clients through: How many total customers do you have, approximately? (Think through your answers, and I will use example numbers.) Let's say you have 200 customers. How many of those account for most of the sales? We'll assume...
The Reverse Did You Know Question
More information in Alex's latest book: p:// Alex discusses the revenue-growth power of the reverse did you know question....
Let the Competition Talk About Their Products
Let the competition reduce their price. You remind your customers about your great value when they ask you to lower your prices. Let the competition focus on specs and stats. You focus on how the customer will be improved should she buy from you. How you will save her...
The Power of Personal Communication – Alex Goldfayn
More details are here: Alex Goldfayn explains why the call is more powerful than the email, and the meeting is more effective than the call. ...
Your Are Not Lucky…
You are not lucky when the customer or prospect picks up the phone; they are lucky to be hearing from you. You could have brought your tremendous value to anybody, and you chose to offer it to them. They are lucky. You are not lucky to have certain customers or...
Is Your Marketing About You — Or Your Customers? (By Alex Goldfayn)
More in my new book, the sales book of 2015!
Joyful Work
Jerry Seinfeld has a fabulous long-running web series called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Each week there’s a cool old car, and a famous guest with whom he discusses life. The latest season opened with Barack Obama as the guest. In the bowels of the White House,...
Goal Setting In Revenue Growth
Alex's new book was selected the 2015 sales book of the year: The art of setting priorities in revenue growth.
Communicate Personally
The more your customers and prospects hear from you, the more they buy from you. It never works the other way. We cannot communicate less and sell more. Similarly, the more your salespeople call customers and prospects (rather than email) the more they will sell to...