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Latest Videos
Video: Your Products Are Great. Your Marketing Isn’t.
Video: Why Android Smart Phones Will Overtake Apple’s iPhone
Video: How Consumers Saved Apple & the iPhone 4 From Disaster
Much more on this topic in yesterday's post.
Video: The Consumer PC Isn’t Going Anywhere, Despite What Steve Jobs Said
In addition to my weekly video for consumer electronics marketers and communications professionals, I'm also launching a weekly quick-hitting piece for the media: journalists, broadcasters, editors and producers. You can sign up to receive this email for free, weekly,...
Video: Bad Product Names
Here's the very first edition of The Technology Tailor Marketing Minute video. It's a weekly short-video series to be delivered by email on Tuesdays. You'll be able to sign up to receive these on my Web site starting tomorrow. Sneak peak for my blog readers first!
A Great Commercial — Ineffective
A terrific Cisco commercial aired during this morning's World Cup match. It featured young people from different parts of the world attempting a very cool trick with a soccer ball. They were recording video of their trick attempts with various smart phones. A catchy...