What’s the power of a single consumer evangelist?

One consumer evangelist will:

  • Tell anyone who will listen (family, friends, people at the airport, etc.)  he knows how happy he is with your device.
  • Give you feedback on the most valuable parts and functions of your device. If not directly, then through his communication online.
  • Similarly, he’ll let you know the facets of the product that fall short, and where it can be improved.
  • On a silver platter, hand you the language and phraseology that will sell a lot of product. All you have to do is tune into this. You need to know what to listen to, and pay attention.

I’m convinced that consumers are more involved and passionate about our products than in any other industry. Who else has customers that consume products and follow news as passionately as tech buyers? Not the fashion industry. Not the grocery industry. Not the housing industry. Not the auto industry, though it’s a little closer than the others.

We’re so lucky to have consumers that will literally teach you how to sell your products. For free.

All you have to do is listen.