I detailed the following seven trends at yesterday’s Marketing Summit, which more than 50 people attended. (See photo below.)

1. The stock market will continue set records — several times — and companies will have cash to spend. This is critical for associations and companies of all kinds to understand, and leverage. Do NOT listen to people who say “in THIS economy” things aren’t good. For anybody in a position to influence the growth of their organization, the economy couldn’t be better.

2. If you want to grow your company, do not listen to the media, who are frightened, cynical, paranoid little people. Instead, listen to successful business leaders. Listen to me.

3. Social media will continue become less and less relevant. We’re already seeing an exodus from social media. Companies NEVER were successful selling serious products and services on social media, and that’s only going to get more and more pronounced. Plan your marketing budgets accordingly.

4. Successful marketers will be those that put in the effort and attention, not the money. That is, good marketing doesn’t cost a lot of money. Hardly any, in fact.

5. Big media advertising will become less and less effective, as big media becomes less and less relevant. Therefore your investment there will become less and less effective.

6. Meanwhile, hyper-local media, AND, critically, very industry specific media will become even more important. THIS is big news for all of you in associations.

7. With all of the impersonal “blast marketing” going on, the personal touch will help you easily stand out from the crowd. Not many people pick up the phone anymore. Not many people write a handwritten note. Many people don’t even send personalized emails any more! Doing those things are easy, cheap, and they’ll grow your business.

The Marketing Summit with Alex Goldfayn, December 5, 2013.

The Marketing Summit with Alex Goldfayn, December 5, 2013.