
The Internet and social media has brought and endless supply of self-proclaimed marketers to the forefront. The din is constant and growing ever louder. Competition for attention, it is said, is fierce.
Ironically, with all the noise, it is easier than ever for your marketing and communications to stand out in this crowd. Here’s how:
1. Talk more about your customers than you talk about yourself and your products or services.
2. Stop focusing on your products and services in your marketing. Rather, describe how your customers are better off after benefiting from what you sell.
3. Dive deeply into your value, not your features and specifications.
4. Don’t make social media your central marketing platform. That’s where the noise is. You know where it’s quiet? In your buyer’s office. Or in her home, if you sell to consumers.
5. Help people in your marketing. Don’t sell. Don’t pitch. Simply help people.
Do some of the above, and your marketing will have no choice but rise above the din and bring in new revenue. Which is the point, isn’t it?
Quick, somebody tell the Internet marketers!


This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning by signing up here or to the right of this page.