I was giving a speech on Friday at an association annual event, and the topic was taking action on marketing. An audience member asked if I meant small actions or larger plans. The answer is yes, both!
Why do we delay putting marketing out into the world? It will never be perfect, we should stop trying to make it so. It will never please everybody, so we should cease that effort also. It is negligent not to communicate our value to people we can help. It’s not an intrusion. It’s not a bother. It is enlightening prospects about how we can help them. It is our duty!
What do we fear when we delay communicating our value to the world? In my experience the answer revolves around failure, or putting out marketing that isn’t perfectly cooked and seasoned. I’ll tell you this: a good meal (instead of a perfect one) is infinitely better than starvation.
This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.