One of the rate-determining steps to creating consumer electronics evangelists is to have insight on how consumers use your devices.

To that end, I advocate everyone in your senior leadership should talk to at least one consumer — online, offline, email, phone, whatever — daily. That’s right. One consumer conversation per day. If the President of the United States can read ten letter from his consumers daily, you can talk to one customer per day.

Here are ten questions to ask:

  1. Who in your home uses our product?
  2. Why do they use it? (Leave it open ended, just like that.)
  3. What do you do with the product?
  4. What features do you use most? Why?
  5. Which features do you NOT use? Why?
  6. What’s your favorite thing about owning this device?
  7. What do you tell your family and friends about the device?
  8. How does our product improve your life?
  9. In one sentence, how would you explain what the unit does?
  10. If you could improve the product in one way, what would you do?

Ask just three of these questions to a different consumer each day, and you will uncover a goldmine.