
Want to do business with a certain kind of customer? Show him testimonials from people like him, in similar positions, dealing with similar issues, challenges, wins and losses.
Individually targeted testimonials are the gold standard of revenue growth techniques.
So, how do you obtain these incredibly powerful testimonials?
You ask, but not by e-mail. Rather, the very best testimonials are obtained on the phone!
Here’s the language:
“We’re talking to just a few of our very best customers to understand what we do well, and how we can improve. Do you have 10 minutes to talk to me about your experience? It would be an extraordinary help to us.”
Most people will say yes to this request. Why? Because people love giving their opinion. And because nobody asks. They’ll be honored. And you will get to ask specific questions about what your customers like best about working with you. You’ll be able to emotionalize and quantify people’s feedback.
As you talk with them, be sure to ask “Is it okay with you if we use some of your comments in our materials?” Nearly everybody says yes to this request.
Take great notes, because there’s a lot of money in those notes!
Best of all, you’ll never have to wait for somebody to email you a testimonial again.


This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.