Too many people mistake marketing with imposition. We are not wasting or “taking” people’s time when we market to them. We are not asking for a favor. And we can’t fear failure, because we don’t have their business yet. We are failing if we don’t market our value.
If we’re in this world to help people, then we must tell as many people as possible about how our products and services can improve them. We must tell them fast and hard and creatively. It is our dutyto tell people about our value. We owe it to ourselves, our staff, our colleagues, and our families. We owe it to our other customers, who deserve to do business with a healthy, prospering company. How can people buy from us if they don’t know what we do? How can a customer refer us if they don’t know that we desire a referral?
This is not a religious or spiritual mindset shift — rather, it’s a practical change in your marketing mindset.
If we fear offending, our marketing is timid, careful, and over-analyzed. If we believe that people deserve to know about our value, our marketing is bold, interesting, and impactful.
This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.