The Refugee Crisis – A New Perspective

My family was these families. The ones on TV and in the newspapers, with the frightened faces. Nearly 40 years ago, I was the two-year-old on my young dad’s shoulders. We were running from the former Soviet Union, and while we didn’t have war, my parents took extraordinary risks so that I could grow up in America. We came legally, and by the time I was 4 years old, everybody in my family was an American citizen.

Perhaps, as many people say, these large communities of refugees flowing into Europe will pose a risk to their new countries. Perhaps they will find opportunities lacking, and the young people will grow up increasingly frustrated, become angry, and lash out.

But maybe, just maybe, the relief and joy on the arriving parents’ faces which we see in the pictures will be taught to the children. Maybe the parents will teach their children as my parents taught me: to worship the ground of their new country, because here, anything is possible. Perhaps these parents will teach their children to respect their new country, to work hard for it, and to fight for it.

Because every day here, in this land of freedom and opportunity, is a great and amazing day.


The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy specializing in aggressive sales growth for closely-held companies. If you’d like to discuss growing your business quickly and easily, please call Alex Goldfayn directly at 847-459-6322, or email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com

My new book, The Revenue Growth Habit, has been selected one of the five best sales books of the year by 800-CEO-Read. I’m appreciative of the honor. You can buy it on Amazon here.