The Weekly Sales List

One criteria for taking action during a busy week of reacting to customers’ issues and concerns is that we must remember to do so.

On the 2016 Revenue Growth Webinar last week — which hundreds participated in, and which you can watch, in its entirety, here — I taught the annualized version of how to combat this.

But for our purposes, here is the simplest version (which, I believe, is the best version, every single time):

Every week, make a list of your top three highest-revenue-potential existing customers and a second list of your top three highest-revenue-potential prospects who you are not currently working with. Put the list in a prominent place in your work space. The list is your reminder. Throughout the week, make contact with each of them. Preferably, call. If you cannot, write. But make sure they hear from you. If it’s Friday at 3PM and you haven’t made contact with your list yet, do it before you leave your desk. The list is your reminder to proactively grow sales with your highest-potential customers and prospects. Respect the list. Give it priority.

Next week, make another list. Carry-overs and repeats are okay.

Remember, the more people hear from us, the more they buy from us. It never works the other way. So, let them hear from you.


The latest Revenue Growth Video is about the importance of uncommoditizing yourself and teaches you how to do so — all in less than 100 seconds. Watch it here.

Did You Know that almost every day I have a first conversation with a business owner about growing their business. But only once a month do I bring on a new client, because that’s my capacity. If you’d like to discussing aggressively growing your company with my approaches, just send me an email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com or pick up the phone and call me directly at 847-459-6322.