It’s June 1.

Twenty-two weeks have passed in 2021, and exactly 30 remain.

You have 30 weeks to grow your sales.

Thirty weeks to help your customers more.

Thirty weeks to make your proactive calls.

If you make three calls a day to customers and prospects over these next 30 weeks, you will make 450 calls this year. And if you use my scripts and language for your voice mails, about two-thirds will call you back. That’s 300 proactive conversations.

But if you make five calls a day instead of three, you will be at 750 calls this year, with fully 500 actual proactive conversations.

If you do that how can your sales not grow?

It’s June 1.

Your customers want your help. They need your help.

Let’s go help them!

New Video on Perseverance: If you haven’t seen it yet, check out this new video I put together last week (using some cutting edge visual technology!). It’s about my kids, their trees, and perseverance in the sales profession.