As the new year begins, let us resolve to sell proactively in 2020.

Let us resolve to not only answer the incoming phone calls of complaining customers but to also proactively call happy customers who we do not hear from frequently.

Let us resolve to not only jump through the hoops placed in front of us by customers calling with urgent needs but to offer other, quiet customers more products and services. They buy them already, and they’d be better off buying it from us.

Let us resolve to be proactively present, not just reactively.

Let us demonstrate to our customers that we are interested in helping them and that we care about them.

That’s all they want from us.

And if we give this to them this year, they will reward us with their business.

To grow your sales by an additional 10-20% this year, as my clients do, call me directly at 847-459-6322