My definition of marketing is the systematic communication of your value to people who can buy it. When my clients launch their revenue growth programs, they execute two parallel tracks of this kind of communication:
One-to-one: This track features your sales people and customer service people talking with customers and prospects, one at a time. They might ask the “did-you-know” question; or communicate a testimonial; or ask for a referral. It doesn’t matter what they do, so long as they take one action per day, which requires 30 seconds or, at most, 15 minutes. (If you have 20 such people on your team, imagine 20 such actions daily, 100 in a week, and 5,000 annually! How can revenue not go up dramatically?!)
Company-to-many: Concurrently, the company communicates with lists of your customers and prospects. This means sending a regular newsletter filled with value. Communicating a case study. Delivering a helpful webinar. Hosting an event. Use your imagination.
The key is that your buyers hear from both tracks at the same time. So if I’m a prospect, I may get a testimonial to read about you on Monday, and then a did-you-know question from your sales person on Thursday, while reading your really helpful newsletter on Friday. Sooner rather than later, I’m going to have an itch that you can scratch — and here’s the key — I’m going to think of you because you’ve been communicating value to me!
You don’t need me to do this. You can implement all of the above on your own. And it costs absolutely nothing besides a bit of personal effort! But it’s proactive work. And you’re likely spending your days like most people, putting out fires. Try to make time for it. If you can’t, call me. It’s what I do, and it will get done quickly. We’ll teach your people how to implement the one-to-one action, while rolling out the one-to-many activity together. And it will dramatically grow your revenue!
The Growth Masters Starts December 3
We’ll be creating these kinds of systems for your company in my new Growth Masters Annual Curriculum. We begin December 3 in Chicago and it’s going to be a powerful, memorable year focused — like a laser! — on revenue growth. We’ll have three live full-day workshops (every four months), four webinars, and monthly tools and templates. Everything streams live and is recorded for future viewing. Everything is led personally by me.
The price is currently reduced by $500.
Through next Monday only, you can save an additional $300 by using the discount code NEWSLETTER. This expires in October 20.
You can read the complete details here.
This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.