
Somebody tweeted me today that one of his best revenue-generating marketing tools is a long Internet sales letter that makes his offers look “cheap.” I replied that I think he should consider his work valuable, not cheap. It’s a mindset shift. His current thinking is commoditizing and almost demeaning to himself. My recommended mindset is self-respecting, confident and positions him to sell from a position of strength. See the difference?

Similarly, you are not disturbing your member or prospective member when you call on them with additional ways you can help them. Rather, you have a responsibility to inform them how you can help them. It is your duty to help those around you, and not doing so would be negligent. When you think this way, you never hesitate to pick up the phone.

Marketing is nothing more than a transference of perceptions — yours, onto your market. What you think of your association’s value is precisely what you’ll market. So, optimize your thinking, improve your marketing, and watch your revenue jump.

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.