If you haven’t heard, after 71 years (and 108 years since they last won!), the Chicago Cubs are in the World Series.

 These are the revenue growth lessons from this year’s Cubs team:

 Forget About The Past: This is the first Cubs team of my lifetime that has been able to play baseball without being dragged down by the heavy burdens of its history of failure. Multiple future Hall Of Fame managers were unable to overcome the Cubs past.

 In business, as in baseball, past failure only impacts our success in our minds. Others are almost never considering our failures, and if they are, they’re rooting for us to overcome them, to succeed. If a prospect told you “no” last year, or last month, try again now. The sooner you can unburden yourself from yesterday’s failures, the sooner you can free up the time and energy required to succeed today.

 Focus On Today: The Cubs manager, Joe Madden, has been masterful at getting our young players to focus on the current day’s game, nothing more. It’s the same in business and revenue growth. What will make you feel that today has been successful? Define it specifically: quantitative and qualitative outcomes are both fair game. Then, go attain those measures. Not tomorrow, not yesterday, not next month, not last year. Today. Today.

 Have Fun: Madden has held pajama parties, brought animals onto the field, and entertained his players with magicians. He also keeps a bottle of scotch and multiple bottles of wine at his desk — something I can personally relate to. Study after study show that salespeople who have fun outperform those who do not. We have to do this work all day. Find ways to make it fun. If it’s not enjoyable, change it. Enjoy yourself. Be playful. Your performance will reflect your joy.

 Fight Through Adversity: This team was down two games to one to the Dodgers, and the entire teamwas in a hitting slump. But they kept plugging away. Kept taking their swings. Then we got a bunt single. Then a hit. Then all of a sudden almost everybody started hitting. If you’re not succeeding the way you’d like, change things up. What can be done differently? Try to bunt instead of swing. Try to take some pitches. Be resilient. Persevere. For goodness sake, keep swinging. 

My children in Wrigley Field, and the Cubs in the World Series: pure joy!

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 To grow your revenue with simple sales and marketing, call me at 847-459-6322, or just reply to this email. 

 If you like this kind of thing, see my latest book, which dives deeply into these things. Forbes called it one of the top business books of the year.