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The Evangelist Marketing Minute is a weekly thinking launch point that is always short enough to read in about 60 seconds. It covers marketing, branding, positioning, language, and public relations. Your email address is never shared, with anybody, for any reason.

Most consultants will tell you your packaging is your product box. I won’t. I’ll tell you it’s the impression you create amongst your buyers with your marketing. It’s how you represent yourself. It’s how you teach people to think about you. It makes up your market’s first impression. Which means service companies need to think about packaging just as hard as product companies; and business-to-business firms need to view it as high a priority as consumer companies.

Your Web site is a huge part of your packaging. Is it compelling or technical? Does it feature customers or processes? Is it simple or complex? Does it teach or confuse? At the very least, does it clearly and powerfully state how your product or service helps people?

What are the top three things you want prospective customers to think about you? Now make sure your packaging — your site, your boxes, your communication, and your press strategy — communicate that.

Sign up here to receive The Evangelist Marketing Minute.

Event-Defining Speeches: Overview | Topics | Sample video clip

The Evangelist Marketing Master Class: A year of powerful learning & development

Coaching for Small Businesses: Create evangelists for your growing company