Recently, I was a part of a small group of volunteers who interviewed the two finalists for an important job in the community where we live. One of them obviously had more energy, passion, drive and ambition than the other. 

 One person I discussed this with called these qualities their “motor.”

 We need a good motor to grow sales, don’t we?

 We need energy, enthusiasm, optimism, and effort.

 But also, there are many days where we aren’t operating at our peak, where we need to do the work anyway.

 Even when we are tired.

 Even when we don’t feel like it.

 We need to grind anyway.

 We need to pick up the phone. And ask for the business. And schedule the meetings. And ask for the referrals. And follow up on the quotes and proposals. And tell our customers what else they can buy from us. And, once more, pick up the phone and call a customer or prospect.

 People ask me what is the secret to the fast and dramatic sales growth my clients experience.

 My answer is that there is no secret. There is only the work. The grind is the secret. Those who grow sales are simply outworking those who are not. They are out-persevering the others.

 Among our two candidates, the finalist with the better motor got the job.

 The salesperson with the stronger motor usually gets the sale.

 Is your motor tuned up?

 To tune up your company’s sales engine and generate the 10-20% additional sales growth which my clients average, call me directly at 847-459-6322 or simply reply to this email.