I just returned from a long trip to Europe with my family, where I did a workshop in Barcelona for about 40 people. 

In their feedback, the audience told me that my material on fear really resonated with them.  
I told them, as I tell all my audiences, that fear is the reason why we don’t ask for the business, even though the customer wants our help. Fear is why we don’t ask for referrals, even though customers love to give them. Fear has cost you millions of dollars in sales, personally. Let that sink in. 
Their feedback got me thinking: 
Sometimes, we feel like we are the only ones struggling with fear. 
But the opposite Is true: everybody struggles with it. 
Even our prospects, our buyers, deal with fear just as much as we do. It’s a little bit different, but just as strong. 

While we are afraid of being rejected, the prospect is afraid of making a mistake in buying from us.

While we are afraid of failure, the prospect is afraid of looking bad in front of his or her boss. 

While our greatest fear is losing the customer, the customer’s greatest fear is losing their job. 

They are afraid too. 

 The work, then, is to deal with our own fear by understanding that we have amazing value to offer our customers, and why would we deny them this? 

And, at the same time, to apply a salve to the customer’s fear. What is the salve? Reassurance. Peace-of-mind. In the form of testimonials. Show them all of your happy customers, their peers, talking about the wonderful ways you’ve helped them. 

Then say to them, “Now, I’d like to help you like this.” 

To amass hundreds of powerful testimonials, and sell with them systematically, call me directly at 847-459-6322, or simply reply to this email.