It’s the last day of the month and I wanted to share 4 traits that will help you close more sales today.

1) Be Enthusiastic

If you want your prospects to be enthusiastic about your product, YOU need to be enthusiastic about it.

Don’t let them see any pressure that you may be under.

2) Be Positive

Now is not the time to apply unnecessary pressure, but to take it away.

Make the buying process as easy as possible and make it a positive experience.

3) Proactive Communication

Today is the day YOU need to be picking up that phone, a lot.

You need to be calling them, emailing them, doing whatever you can to have a conversation with them.

Don’t wait for them, it’s up to you to make the moves today.

4) Follow Up (A Lot)

Don’t just try once.

Don’t just try twice.

Keep trying until you get an answer.

Your prospects are busy, but they’ll want you to keep trying.

You know you can help them so don’t give up.

Remember, today is about them, not about you.

They don’t care that you have a target to hit.

They don’t care that it’s the end of the month.

They care about how you can help them.

They care about the value to them.

Go out there today and help as many people as you can.

They’re waiting for your call.