
What are some of your favorite things about working with us?

How does that help you?

How are we better than the other suppliers you work with?

Does working with us save you time? How? What do you get to do with the extra time?

What gets better for you when you work with us?

You’ve been with us for a long time, what’s kept you here?

After every answer: Why? How? In what way? That’s interesting, why’d you say that?


1. Think of a good customer.
2. Call this customer.
3. Ask the questions above.
4. Take good notes.
5. Let them speak. Don’t interrupt. Use silence so they can think of things to say while you’re silent.
6. At the end, ask if you may use some of their comments in your materials.

Total time required: Ten minutes per call, maximum.

Testimonial Yield: At least 10 per call.

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