by Alex Goldfayn | Aug 10, 2015 | Blog, Evangelist Marketing Minute Newsletter, OUR Discomfort, Not the Customers', Testimonials
The discomfort with asking your good customers for detailed testimonials is yours, not theirs. They’d be happy to tell you about what they love about working with you. I know this because each year I ask hundreds of my clients’ customers this question as a...
by Alex Goldfayn | Feb 4, 2014 | Blog, OUR Discomfort, Not the Customers'
Buyers can feel our impatience. They recoil at our anger. If we market too aggressively, focusing on the sale instead of the value — instead of how we can help people — our odds for revenue growth suffer. Our job, in our marketing, is to demonstrate, as...
by Alex Goldfayn | Nov 19, 2013 | Blog, OUR Discomfort, Not the Customers'
Whenever I write, speak or advise my clients about how powerful a tool referrals are, there’s unanimous agreement. Nobody ever says, “No, referrals don’t bring in new business.” When I wrote about how to get referrals in yesterday’s...
by Alex Goldfayn | Jul 29, 2013 | Blog, Evangelist Marketing Minute Newsletter, OUR Discomfort, Not the Customers'
Why don’t we ask for more referrals? Most people agree that it’s one of the best ways to grow revenue, but nearly everyone I ask admits that they don’t ask for referrals enough. After years of helping clients through this issue, here is why I believe...